January 30, 2008

I love my Mac Applescript + Mail.app

Normally I just enjoy computing more that I have switched to the mac platform. Mainly because all of the software just seems to be so well thought out. So much of my experience with Windows was whatever it took to get the job done as quickly as possible so we can move on to the […]

January 10, 2008

Calendar Server for iCal

I’ve been struggling with Markspaces Sync Together for Mac OS ever since leopard came out. They had a notice on their website for months concerning incompatibility with leopard but no notice as to when or if they would be working on making it compatible. Finally the time came I was ready to figure something else […]

January 3, 2008

Bad Buisness May Make Next Years Holiday Retail Suffer

Ok the holidays for many mean consumerism on a massive scale. This isn’t a bad thing it circulates wealth and helps promote economic growth and development plus we sometimes get cool gifts. Sometimes we don’t so we have to deal with the returns desk. Last week we did our returns after Christmas and found most […]